Web hosting isn’t something that many people think about until they need it, but technology is one of the internet’s pillars. Without web hosting services, your favorite sites, podcasts, and videos would live on in a radically different, and likely inconvenient, fashion. If you’re planning to open a business or expand an existing one, you’ll need a good web host. Hostinger is one option, offering solid and dependable plans that can get your company online in no time. That said, Hostinger’s plans lack some of the features you’d expect in a top-tier web host, such as dedicated hosting and telephone support.

Hostinger is a web hosting company that is owned by its employees. It was founded in 2004 and originally had the name Hosting Media.

However, in 2011, once the company reached the milestone of having a million users, its name was changed to Hostinger.In 2007, Hostinger was a subsidiary of 000webhost.

10 Reasons Why Hostinger Is The Right Host For You!

1. Hostinger Is REALLY Fast


We put our Hostinger US test site through a speed stress test using our proprietary server speed checker (still the best and only server speed checker in the world #shamelessplug), benchmarking it against Google’s recommendation of 200 ms, and here are the results.


US (W) US (E) London Singapore Sao Paulo
69 ms 28 ms 98 ms 239 ms 130 ms
Bangalore Sydney Japan Canada Germany
331 ms 233 ms 165 ms 38 ms 100 ms
US Datacenter Average Speed: 143.1 ms


Ladies and gentlemen, the speed test results of our Hostinger US test site came back with a worldwide average of a blazing fast 143 ms, which ranks them as one of our A+ top tier hosts!

Next, we tested our Hostinger Singapore site to see how it responds to pings from all over the world

US (W) US (E) London Singapore Sao Paulo
194 ms 229 ms 246 ms 5 ms 349 ms
Bangalore Sydney Japan Canada Germany
99 ms 191 ms 70 ms 212 ms 163 ms
Singapore Datacenter Average Speed: 175.8 ms


If you intend to cater to audiences in Asia (and Australia / New Zealand), you’ll be happy to know that Hostinger returned a stupid fast response of 5 ms from Singapore, with an average speed of 176 ms around the world. Hostinger Singapore gets an A+ ranking from us.


Last but not least, we’ve got our Hostinger EU site to evaluate.

US (W) US (E) London Singapore Sao Paulo
142 ms 100 ms 54 ms 236 ms 209 ms
Bangalore Sydney Japan Canada Germany
314 ms 265 ms 235 ms 84 ms 11 ms
Netherlands Datacenter Average Speed: 165 ms


For those of you targeting European markets, Hostinger would be one of the fastest web hosts for you. 54 ms from London, those are really impressive speeds! Hostinger Europe is equally speedy like their Singapore and American counterparts, and they returned decent worldwide average speeds of 165 ms, which means that they’re ranked a solid A+!


If you study our test results, you might be a little concerned that locations far away from their designated data centers aren’t that great. That’s actually quite normal as the data has to travel further to get to their target destination.


This should be a nonissue though, because Hostinger has a grand total of 6 data centers across the globe, namely in the USA, EU, Brazil, Netherlands, Singapore & Indonesia (there’s 1 more being built in their home country of Lithuania). Just pick the data center closest to your users and they’ll get to enjoy your site’s breakneck loading speeds in all its glory!


2. 99.9% Uptime Guarantee!


Few people out there take uptime guarantee seriously, but to us it can make or break our opinions on a web host. Small business sites need to be up as much as possible, as any sort of downtime means loss of potential sales.

Extended downtimes can lead to our sites losing rank on Google, which is bad news for the business.

While some web hosting companies provide uptime guarantee, some of them can be rather sketchy, sliding in terms like “release of payment is up to our due discretion” which means that they can choose not to reimburse whatever they guaranteed.

We combed through Hostinger’s TOS and found no traces of such nonsense.

hostinger service uptime guarantee


If your site’s downtime dips below 99.9% due to Hostinger’s faults, just contact them to get 5% of your monthly fee back.

So far, we’ve been happy with Hostinger’s uptime!


Uptime since March 2019


Hostinger Asheville NC’s Uptime


Uptime since March 2019


Hostinger Netherlands Uptime


Uptime since March 2019


Hostinger Singapore’s Uptime



The counters above are updating constantly. The uptime is monitored with UptimeRobot every 5 minutes.



3. Faster Loading With Cache Manager


We’re just so happy that Hostinger has come up with so many ways of improving loading speeds. One of them is their very own Cache Manager. Enabling it allows for quicker load times and improved speeds!

Here’s what you need to do to turn it on.

Enter hPanel and hit “Manage” on the site you want to turn it on. Scroll down to “Advanced”. You’ll see “Cache Manager” listed as one of the options. Click on “Cache Manager”

Hostinger Cache Manager


Once you’re inside, all you have to do is click on “Change” and you should see the “Automatic Cache” button turn green, indicating that it’s On. Click on “Purge All”, and you’re good to go!

Hostinger Cache Manager Settings


We ran some tests on our Hostinger test site using webpagetest.org, to see how it performs with Cache Manager on here are the results:


Hostinger test site load speed

Cache Manager On. Site loads in 0.673s


Our test sites are stock installs, super light with no optimizations so there’s not much that Cache Manager can do. However, Cache Manager’s effect will be amplified once the site has more content and images.


4. Awesome Benefits That Increase SPEED!


Our Hostinger Premium Shared account came with an entire list of benefits, all of which improves speed one way or another. Here are some of our favourites!



  • 1-Click Installer
    This feature made installing our favourite apps so much more convenient. Gone were the days where we had to manually do everything. With this feature, 1 click is all you need to get your favourite apps installed.
  • PHP7 Support
    If you’re a developer, you’ll be pleased to know that Hostinger has PHP7 support! PHP7 is one of the biggest PHP releases in the over 10 years and it is MUCH FASTER than its predecessor, PHP5. In benchmarks tests run with Drupal and WordPress, PHP7 is easily twice as fast as PHP5.6.

    PHP7 benchmarks tests run

    (Source: talks.php.net)
  • Git Support
    Git is a very powerful tool that everyone’s heard about but not a lot of people know what it actually does. So, long story short, git is an open source version control system, created so that developers can work together on their projects in a fast and efficient manner, no matter how large or small.
    Git is so popular that it is used by many large corporations, like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and even Netflix!

    It may not matter much to you, but If you’re gonna hire developers to build something for your small business, they’ll be very glad that your web host supports Git. It just makes the problem-solving process so much smoother!

  • Optimized for WordPress
    Hostinger’s shared hosting plans come with the latest versions of WordPress, and is custom-optimized to deliver some of the fastest loading speeds in the industry. Just FYI, there’s a reason that WordPress powers 30% of the internet (they’re just that damn good!) so we highly recommend it for your small business!
  • Cutting Edge NGINX Caching
    Another reason why you should be using WordPress with Hostinger is their NGINX caching. It significantly boosts WordPress performance by turbocharging the loading speed of static content via the streamlining of data.
  • HTTP/2
    Or in other words, HTTP 2.0. It’s the spiritual successor to HTTP1, and is much faster, secure, and easier to use.HTTP/2 works by delivering data via binary code. This reduces data size and improves speed, and your users will feel a significant improvement in your site load performance!
  • LiteSpeed Cache
    LiteSpeed Cache is a WordPress plugin that significantly increases website performance, with the latest update showing huge improvements on TTFB resultsWhen you install WordPress via Hostinger’s Auto Installer LiteSpeed Cache will be automatically installed for you, no mess no fuss!


* Crazy intro price – start from $0.99/mo!
** Price include 99.9% uptime guarantee, cache manager & 24×7 support


5. Excellent Custom Dashboard


Hostinger is one of the very few web hosting companies with cajones big enough to mess with the UI of cPanel. Better yet, they managed to get everything done right.

Hostinger dashboard


Branded hPanel, Hostinger’s custom dashboard is clean, a breeze to use and very intuitive. All the features are sorted by categories, and their well designed minimalistic icons give an almost Muji like feel to the dashboard. You get the feeling that there’s a place for everything and everything is in its place. It’s so intuitive that i think someone with no experience will be able to use hPanel quite effectively.

Kudos to Hostinger’s UI & UX team for their excellent custom dashboard!



6. Responsive Support (They’re Fun Too!)


Sometimes, communicating with a web hosting company’s support team can make one want to physically reach through the phone and strangle the useless donkey on the other line. Other times, it can pleasant, productive, and even downright awesome. We are pleased to say that from our experience with Hostinger’s support team, they belong to the latter category.

We didn’t get a chance to submit a ticket (our installs went off without a hitch) so we just contacted their live chat to see how they responded to some basic issues, and we were impressed!

Not only did the support team respond to us almost immediately (we had to wait a few seconds, but that’s pretty amazing considering we had to wait close to 30 mins with some other web hosting), they were knowledgeable, patient, and get this – they were FUN. They will also hold your hand and soothe your troubled soul as they assist you in fixing your problems step by step.

If Hostinger got one thing right, it’s their support interface:


Hostinger support interface


We get to communicate with gifs and emojis (which some may say is a gimmick, but we can see how this can lessen the frustration when dealing with complicated matters), and we can send attachments! This is great for the times when a picture is better than a thousand words.


We’re not the only ones that share the same level of enthusiasm about Hostinger’s support. Here are some actual examples of what other customers had to say about their experience with Hostinger’s support team:


domain name resolving


happy customer support experience


The support team actually practices a “zero-tier support system” (unofficial name, don’t quote us on this) whereby each of their team members are trained to answer every single query without forwarding to upper tier support. This results in extremely fast problem solving, as they don’t have to waste time connecting you to upper tier support to solve your issues.


Hostinger support team

The Lithuanian support team hard at work


Another great thing about their support is that they’re very localised! The support team serves 20 countries from their 4 support centers in their native language so locals have an easier time communicating with the team, and they’re planning to include more localised languages!


Hostinger Customer support team at Yogyakarta

The support team in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


support stats and KPI tracking

Huge screen showing the stats & KPI tracking


Daren and the Hostinger CEO at Yogyakarta support center

Daren and the Hostinger CEO at Yogyakarta support center


7. Free Domain!


If you folks didn’t already know, to start your website, you need to buy a domain name from a domain registrar on top of paying for web hosting. Little expenses like these can add up and snowball, and it can really hurt small business owners especially when they’re just starting out.


Getting a free domain name from your web hosting can really help, and Hostinger is truly making a difference by supporting new entrepreneurs by giving a domain for free!


The only thing is that with domains, you’ll also want to get WHOIS protection which protects your online identity. Some domain registrars like Namecheap provides WHOIS protection for free, but this isn’t the case with all registrars. More often than not, you’ll have to pay for it, and unfortunately, this is the case with Hostinger.


But look on the bright side – you’ll be getting a FREE DOMAIN! Paying $5 a year for WHOIS protection really is peanuts compared to that. It’s a worthy investment!


8. Unlimited Features!


As if everything else on this list isn’t impressive enough already, Hostinger’s Premium Plan continues to impress with their entire list of unlimited features. Let’s have a look at some of them.



  • Unlimited Websites
    With just 1 account, Hostinger allows you to build as many websites as you could possibly want!
  • Unlimited SSD Storage
    What’s the use of being able to host unlimited websites if storage is limited, right? Hostinger recognizes this and offers us unlimited SSD storage, so we can actually make use of our unlimited websites with the advantage of SSD speeds!
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
    You don’t have to worry about site downtime down due to unusually high traffic with Hostinger Premium. You’re given unlimited bandwidth so you can cater to as many users as you want!
  • Unlimited Email
    I mentioned previously that the costs of running a small online business can easily snowball. Email service is one of those costs. Fortunately, with their Premium Plan, we get to create unlimited email addresses to suit our needs, all hosted with our unlimited SSD Storage!
  • CronJobs
    Gone are the days where you have to plan your CronJobs carefully because you’re limited to a certain amount of Cronjobs. Hostinger’s Premium Plan allows unlimited Cronjobs so you can go to town with your scripts!
  • Bonus Perks – FREE SSL!
    This isn’t exactly an unlimited feature, but Hostinger recently added free SSL from Let’s Encrypt for all of their shared hosting plans! It provides you with that added layer of security for free, so that your users can enjoy an encrypted connection!





* Unlimited resources, free site builder, free domain registration
** Unlimited plan starts from $2.15/mo



9. Great Introductory Price


Last but not least, Hostinger’s introductory prices are really what sets this web hosting company apart from the competition.

Hostinger has almost all of the same features as a premium web host, but at a fraction of the price; our Premium Plan only costs $2.89/month, and their entry-level Single plan is only $0.99/month, while our current favorite web host, SiteGround, charges $6.99 for their entry-level account. 

In terms of value, we have to say that Hostinger provides one of the best bangs for your buck in the industry, especially for those that are just starting out!


10. They Own The Zyro Website Builder


Expanding an already impressive product range, Hostinger recently added on to their inventory a website builder. Zyro is aimed at the real beginners among users and takes simplicity to a whole new level.


What Zyro offers is a more holistic experience. They’ve further simplified the basic website builder and added on external features that will help users build complete websites quickly. These include the ability to auto-generate content, streamline design, and more.



  • AI Writer
  • AI Heatmap
  • Logo & Slogan Maker
  • Huge Image Library (FREE!)

Do We Recommend Hostinger?


Hostinger provides superb speed. Their uptime has been a little bit inconsistent over the past 24 months, but on average uptime has been strong.

The entry-level, Single-Web Hosting plan doesn’t offer many unlimited perks or free features. The Premium, Cloud Hosting, and Business Web Hosting plans have a lot more to offer. Hostinger also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re unhappy with their service.

Moreover, in case you need help, then their customer support is responsive, knowledgeable, and friendly.


Hostinger Premium VS SiteGround GrowBig


We tested these two test sites for speed with our proprietary server speed checker to see how they would perform against each other, and the results are actually quite interesting.

Check it out:


Server Location
US (W)
194 ms
211 ms
US (E)
229 ms
215 ms
246 ms
180 ms
5 ms
3 ms
Sao Paulo
349 ms
351 ms
99 ms
66 ms
191 ms
95 ms
70 ms
70 ms
212 ms
240 ms
168 ms
Worldwide Average
175.8 ms
159.9 ms
Test Site


Before we break down the results, we’ve got to say that both web hosts performed very well, both of them scoring worldwide averages of below 200 ms which ranks them as our top A+ web hosts for speed!

Speed wise, I think we can all agree that both web hosts are at the top of the game with Hostinger giving us a worldwide average of 176 ms vs SiteGround’s 160 ms. They performed exceptionally well in Asian countries, both scoring below 100 ms in Japan, Bangalore and Singapore.


They didn’t perform quite as well in London, US East, US west and Sao Paulo due to the data center location (which is in Singapore) but the speeds are still very respectable.

Personally, I feel that these two web hosting companies are unbelievably responsive and quick, but we can’t really count them as equals because speed isn’t the only thing that makes both companies such great web hosts.

SiteGround is a premium, all inclusive web host with excellent features, perfect for small-large business websites. Thing is, excellence doesn’t come for free and subscribers will have to pay quite a bit for SiteGround’s renewals.


Hostinger on the other hand, is an easy to use basic web hosting, best for beginners, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. Good thing about Hostinger is that it allows users to upgrade to get premium features, hence their super low introductory price.

Visit hostinger Today!